獲得初期段階における未指定の機能範疇 : 日本語の時制辞と主格の獲得から
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This paper discusses acquisition of Tense category which assigns nominative case to a noun phrase in its Spec. Previous studies have shown that the period of emergence of Tense morpheme precedes that of morphological realization of ga-marked subject. This developmental order apparently leads us to assume T in child grammar has the identical property as in adult grammar. However, given our observation that ga-marked subject uttered in the early stage can be interpreted only as theme, it is not appropriate to identify T of child grammar with that of adult grammar. Alternatively we present an analysis in which T is underspecified and V assigns theme and nominative case to its sister NP until categorial feature of T is specified.1. はじめに 2. 日本語におけるT の獲得研究 3. データとその分析 4. 結語と今後の課題
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