ハウス栽培パッションフルーツの栽培技術開発 第5報. 紫系統パッションフルーツの結果に及ぼす花粉親と花粉貯蔵法の影響
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紫系統パッションフルーツ(以後紫系統と記す)は自家受粉で結果するが,沖縄県でハウス栽培されている紫系統は,曇雨天日に自家受粉しても結果率が低下し,生産が不安定である.本試験では紫系統の結果安定と品質向上を図るため,他家受粉における花粉親の選抜と花粉の貯蔵条件について検討した.花粉親の違いによる平均結果率は,他家受粉で65.2%以上であったのに対し,自家受粉で14.7%であった.また,他家受粉でも南十字星の組み合わせの結果率が高かった.花粉の発芽率は貯蔵温度0,5および10℃で高く,シリカゲルを入れた乾燥状態ではいずれの温度でも低かった.また,葯から分離し5℃で貯蔵した花粉は,9日間高い結果率を維持し,果実品質は紫系統の新鮮花粉に比較しやや劣ったが,商品化果実が生産でき十分実用性があるものと考えられた.これらのことから,曇雨天日に南十字星の花粉を受粉すると結果率が高まる.花粉貯蔵は,花粉を葯から分離し,温度5℃で乾燥を避ける必要がある.Purple passion fruits set fruit from self-pollination, however the purple passion fruits cultivated in greenhouses in Okinawa have low fruit percentage even when self-pollinated in cloudy,rainy weather, and the production is unstable. In this study, the selection of pollen parent in cross-pollination and storage conditions of pollen were examined for fluiting stability and quality improvement. The average fruit percentages, based on the difference in pollen parent, were over 65.2% for cross-pollination and 14.7% for self-pollination. In cross-pollination, the fruit percentage was higher when crossing with the Minami Jyujisei(Southern Cross) passion fluit. The germination rate of pollen was high in the storage temperatures of 0, 5 and lO℃ and low in dry condition with silica gel at any temperature. The pollen isolated from anthers and stored at 5℃ maintained high fruit percentage for 9 days. Although the fruit quality was slightly lower compared to that of the fresh pollen of purple passion fiuit,it was considered that commercialized fiuit roduction is possible and feasible. From these, it was concluded that, the fruit percentage becomes high if pollinated with the Minami Jyujisei passion fruit in cloudy,rainy weather, and the pollen must be isolated from anthers and stored at 5℃ for pollen storage.
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