競技スポーツにおけるコンディション評価に関する研究 : 統計解析手法の適用とその有効性の検証
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A study verified validity of statistical analysis on fluctuation of perceived condition. Three female elite college kendo players aged 20-24 years, independently recorded their physical, mental and technical condition and training program on the perceived condition sheet for kendo player. Randomization test was used to compare between the training period and the adjustment period. As a result, the factor of the condition that a difference was recognized during the training period and the adjustment period related to performance and condition of the match. Conventionally, We evaluated the single case study visually by using a graph. These results indicate that we can confirm a change of the athlete's condition statistically. It was concludes thatfluctuation of perceived condition in athlete can be confirmed statistically using a single-case study design and statistical techniques such as randomization test.
- 専修大学社会体育研究所の論文
- 2009-03-31
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