「体育演習」の授業効果に関する調査研究 : 体育演習を必修とする大学を参考に
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this questionnaire-based study was to investigate the effectiveness of a seminar on Physical Education on health promotion, awareness of life-long sport, and fostering of social skills in university students. Following seminar attendance, positive responses were obtained from all questions on the original questionnaire. Additionally, the responses indicated that attending the seminar on Physical Education served to relieve stress, foster social skills among attendees, and provide a setting in which to make new friends. Thus the purpose of the seminar was clearly achieved and was viewed extremely positively by attendees. These results suggest that attendance of the seminar on Physical Education can contribute to the improvement of the physical and mental health of university students.
- 2010-03-31
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- 「体育演習」の授業効果に関する調査研究 : 体育演習を必修とする大学を参考に
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