魚肉中のアミンの生成について - I : 魚介肉の鮮度低下に伴うヒスタミン及びチラミンの生成
- 論文の詳細を見る
The occurrence of histamine and tyramine in the course of deterioration of 15 species of aquatic animal foods stored at room temperature of summer and autumn, was investigated by paper chromatography in correlation with ammonia content of these fishes. 1) The lowering of the freshness of fish and shell-fish muscle was accompanied by the production of histamine and tyramine with the preceding occurrence of histamine to that of tyramine, but in the case of octopus and ear-shell the occur-rence of the latter preceded the former. And in shrimp and spuid almost no both amines were produced. 2) The production of histamine in fish muscle during spoilage varied according to the difference of fish species, and it seemed to be remarkable in sardine and bonito. Histamine was detected when ammonia content of fish muscle arrived at 10 to 21 mg %, generally 15 to 20 mg %, this relation being kept fairly constant notwithstanding the shifting room tempreatures of summer and autumn.
- 1956-12-30
論文 | ランダム
- 光実装の基盤技術(光回路実装技術)
- サルコイド-ジスにおけるグリチ-ルリチンの臨床治験
- (109) ステロイドホルモンおよびグリチルリチンの免疫反応に及ぼす影響(抗体の産生とその抑制)
- 109.ステロイドホルモンおよびグリチルリチンの免疫反応の及ぼす影響(抗体の産生とその抑制)
- グリチルリチンと尿路***腫瘍 (1)血清酵素活性におよぼす影響について