グリチルリチンと尿路***腫瘍 (1)血清酵素活性におよぼす影響について
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The effects of "StrongNeo-Minophagen C", a preparation of glycyrrhizin, on the serum enzyme activities were studied on 14 patients with urogenital tumor. 1. Small dose administration of the drug resulted in an increase of LDH activity in most of the cases. 2. Large dose administration of the drug brought the changes in LDH isozymes pattern such as decreased LDH-M and increased LDH-H. 3. Alkaline phosphatase activity increased regardless the dosage of the drug. 4. Leucine-aminopeptidase, total acid phosphatase, glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase did not show noticeable changes due to this drug.
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