スプレーカーネーションの灌水同時施肥栽培における 栽植方式が収量および切り花品質に及ぼす影響
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Effects of three planting patterns; two-row-planting high density (25 plants·m(-2)), two-row-planting low density (12.5 plants·m(-2)), and four-row-planting (25 plants·m(-2)) on the cut flower number and quality of spray carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cv. ‘Barbara’ and ‘Cherry Tessino’ grown by fertigation cultivation were investigated. In ‘Barbara’, there was no difference in total cut flower number between two-row-planting high density and four-row-planting. Total cut flower number of two-row-planting low density decreased to 60% of two-row-planting high density or four-row-planting. In ‘Cherry Tessino’, the total cut flower number of two-row-planting high density was 15% more than that of four-row-planting. The total cut flower number of two-row-planting low density decreased to 60~70% of two-row-planting high density or four-row-planting. There was no difference in cut flower quality between two-row-planting high density and four-row-planting in both cultivars. Cut flower weight and stem diameter of two-row-planting low density increased compared to those of two-row-planting high density or four-row-planting. Thus, the result indicates that two-row-planting high density may be suitable for fertigation cultivation in carnation.
- 2011-02-01
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