Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the focusing nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation
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The analysis of global dynamics of nonlinear dispersive equationshas a long history starting from small solutions. In this paper we study thefocusing, cubic, nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in R3 with large radial data inthe energy space. This equation admits a unique positive stationary solution Q,called the ground state. In 1975 Payne and Sattinger showed that solutions u(t)with energy E[u, u˙ ] strictly below that of the ground state are divided into twoclasses, depending on a suitable functional K(u): If K(u) < 0, then one has finitetime blow-up, if K(u) ≥ 0 global existence; moreover, these sets are invariantunder the flow. Recently, Ibrahim, Masmoudi and the first author [22] improvedthis result by establishing scattering to zero for K[u] ≥ 0 by means of a variantof the Kenig-Merle method [25], [26]. In this paper we go slightly beyond theground state energy and we give a complete description of the evolution in thatcase. For example, in a small neighborhood of Q one encounters the followingtrichotomy: on one side of a center-stable manifold one has finite-time blow-upfor t ≥ 0, on the other side scattering to zero, and on the manifold itself one hasscattering to Q, both as t → +∞. In total, the class of data with energy at mostslightly above that of Q is divided into nine disjoint nonempty sets each displayingdifferent asymptotic behavior as t → ±∞, which includes solutions blowing up inone time direction and scattering to zero on the other. The analogue of thesolutions found by Duyckaerts, Merle [13], [14] for the energy critical wave andSchr¨odinger equations appear here as the unique one-dimensional stable/unstablemanifolds approaching ±Q exponentially as t → ∞ or t → −∞, respectively. Themain technical ingredient in our proof is a “one-pass” theorem which excludes theexistence of (almost) homoclinic orbits between Q (as well as −Q) and (almost)heteroclinic orbits connecting Q with −Q. In a companion paper [31] we establishanalogous properties for the NLS equation.
- 2011-03-01
論文 | ランダム
- 9005 金型多点支持システムにおける遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた支持点再配置の研究(GS-A1 一般セッション(製造関連解析技術))
- D221 精密プラスチック部品の高効率成形性改善技術の開発
- 資料 加工組立品におけるリサイクル関連技術
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