- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Authors have experienced 10 cases of ovarian cancer during the last 3 years (1954-1956). Ovarian cancer constitues 8.43% of all ovarian tumor, 3.33% of all malignant tumors of reproductive organs of women. Ratio of cancer of ovary to uterine cancer is 1:38.5. Average age of patient was 43.5. Adenocarcinoma was noticed in 90%. Infertility was noted in 50%, 2 cases died. 2. Subjective symptoms were distension of abdomen and tumor sensation. Ascites was seen in 70%. 3. Metastasis to omentum is most frequently (about 90%) seen. Therefore, omentectomy seems to be essential for the treatment, both in early and in late stage of the disease. 4. The radical operative treatment should be bilateral adnectomy including omentectomy panhysterectomy and regional lymphadenectomy. 5. Prophylactic resection of bilateral ovaries is recommended at operation postmenopausal women.
- 岡山医学会の論文
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