- 論文の詳細を見る
The studies were made on the number and volume of trees in the natural stand in the experimental forest attached to Nara Gakugei University from a standpoint of the habitat, the tree species and the diameter of a tree trunk. 1) This stand is chiefly composed of coniferous and broad-leaved trees mixed in a ratio of 3 : 7 in volume and of 1.5 : 8.5 in number, respectively. 2) The volume and number of trees decrease in proportion to the altitude. 3) Though the trees belonging to a small diameter class (8-20cm) predominate all over the area, without any connection with altitude, the trees belonging to a middle diameter class (20-32cm) and those belonging to a large one (above 32cm) are few in number. 4) In this stand, coniferous and broad-leaved trees with small diameter are in large number, and especially the latter are very numerous. 5) In regard to the volume of trees grouped into diameter classes, there is little difference, if any, as seen in the case of the number of trees, and the volume is large in the reverse order of the dimensions of diameter. 6) In coniferous trees, the volume is the greatest in those with middle diameter and the smallest in those with large one, but in broad-leaved trees, it is inversely proportionate to the dimensions of diameter.
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