- 論文の詳細を見る
The seismic provisions of the Building Standard Law of Japan were revised in 2000 towards a performance-based design code. This is a drastic revision since the input ground motions are defined on the outcropped engineering bedrock in terms of acceleration response spectra. In addition, the revised seismic design code for structures taller than 60 m accepts to use site-specific design ground motions due to scenario earthquakes. Recently, extremely large acceleration more than 1 g were often observed in near fault regions of crustal earthquakes. The amplitude level of those records exceeds the above-mentioned design ground motions on the outcropped engineering bedrock. After the brief review of the seismic provisions of the Building Standard Law, I shall propose the basic concept of site specific design ground motions by combining both scenario and non-scenario earthquakes, considering the recent development of strong motion studies.
- 2010-03-19
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