An Epidemiologic Examination on the Prevalence of the Periodontal Diseases and Oral Pigmentation in Yusho Patients in 2002
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特集号 油症とPCB及び関連化合物研究報告 第19集 責任編集者古江増隆 / The Nineteenth Reports of the Study on Yusho and PCBs and Related Compounds Guest Editor Masutaka Furue An epidemiologic examination was carried out to reveal the prevalence of the periodontal diseases and oral pigmentation in patients with Yusho. The results obtained were as follows. 1)95 patients out of 110 patients, who were examined periodontal pocket depth using Ramfjord' methods, had at least one tooth with periodontal pocket deeper than 3 mm. Similarly, 276 teeth out of a total 495 examined teeth showed periodontal pockets with more than 3 mm depth. However, the ratio of the teeth with periodontal pockets deeper than 4mm to total examined teeth in each age fell to less than 25%. 2)Oral pigmentation was observed in 75 patients out of 121 patien ts with Yusho. In this examination, gingival pigmentation was most predominant among oral pigmentation. It is of particular interest that severe pigmentation tended to be observed at a much higher frequency in younger patients with Yusho. Taken these findings into consid eration, it was suggested that PCBs and related compounds might play an important role in the development of both periodontal diseases and oral pigmentation.油症患者における歯周疾患や口腔内色素沈着の罹患状況の経年的変化を把握するために, 平成14年度の福岡県油症一斉検診を受診した油症認定患者を対象に口腔内診査を行った. 1)深さ3mm以上の歯周ポケットを1歯でも有している患者は95名(86.4%)で, また3mm以上の歯周ポケットを有する歯牙は495の総被検歯のうち276歯(55.8%)といずれも高い割合を示した. 2)121名の油症認定患者のうち75名に口腔内色素沈着がみられた. 部位としては歯肉にみられるものがほとんどであった. 加齢と共に色素沈着の発現率は低下しており, 加えて色素沈着の程度も若年者に比べて高齢者の方が軽微であった. 以上の結果から, 油症患者においては辺縁性歯肉炎および口腔内色素沈着の罹患率が依然として高く, 機序については不明だがPCBsやその代謝産物がこれらの病変の発症や進展に関与していると考えられる.
- 福岡医学会,Fukuoka Medical Associationの論文
- 2003-05-25
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- An Epidemiologic Examination on the Prevalence of the Periodontal Diseases and Oral Pigmentation in Yusho Patients in 2002
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