- 論文の詳細を見る
Han mirrors are highly appreciated by Chinese and Japanese archaeologists, for they are particularly useful for chronological studies. According to my chronology, Han mirrors can be roughly divided into seven period, Han Mirrors Period can be dated approximately in the early Eastern Han period or the latter half of the first century A. D. In the earlier half of Han Mirrors Period V, almost all the TLV mirror inscriptions mention Shang-fang 尚方 as the factory of an Imperial Department where the mirror was made. These TLV mirrors gradually became decadence in the style of the decoration and the inscription, some masters of the Shang-fang tried to set up their own bronzeworks. The inscriptions begin with the sentence translated 'Family Du (杜氏 or other names) had this mirror made', and the most important change of the decoration which took place in the latter half of this period is the replacement of Si-shen 四神 and the cosmic animals worked in line-motif by Bi-xie 辟邪 and Tian-lu 天祿 or the strange animals derived from the Western Regions, worked in relief on Shou-dai 獸帶 animal-belt mirror and Pang-long 盤龍 mirror. Based on the analysis of the style, I classify this process roughly into three stages ; the first stage probably date during Ming di's reign (57-75), Qing gai 青盖 first created the motif of Pang-long, and separated a bronzeworks from Shang-fang ; the second stage probably date during Zhang di's reign (75-88) some independent masters such as Family Du produced a new work in succession to arouse customer interest ; the third stage probably dating to He di's reign (88-105), some Shou dai mirrors bear the figure of Xi-wang-mu 西王母 or the Queen Mother of the West to conform with the rhythm of Yin and Yang. Hua-xiang 畫像 mirror appeared in Han Mirrors Period depict the Queen together with her partner Tong-wang-gong 東王公, the Lord King of the East.
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