高展開の「半構成方式」研修型エンカウンター・グループのファシリテーションに関する考察 : 展開の促進要因と留意点に着目して
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One case with the training type encounter group of the Middle-Structured style is reported in this paper. The training type encounter group of the Middle-Structured style developed high though this type of group was said not be easy to deepen. Moreover, the process of such a group is peculiar, and consideration of facilitation is needed. Therefore, one case with training type encounter group that uses the Semi-Structured style was reported in this paper and, (1) the characteristics of this group, (2) the promotion factors of group development and, (3) the cautions in group development, and were discussed. The promotion factors of group development included not focusing on difference the between facilitators and member, and paying mutual respect to such difference, and doing complementary intervention. The caution included the precaution to the euphoria and keeping an eye outside the session.
- 2009-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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