沖縄県学校給食における郷土料理推進のための一考察(第1報) 郷土の行事食を含む学校給食献立年間計画と郷土料理提供数・種類数の調査
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1.郷土の行事食を含む給食献立年間計画作成と郷土料理の提供数・種類数との関連を明らかにするため給食献立年間計画表や家庭用配布献立表の回収を行った。対象は県内全市町村を網羅した92調理場で、資料提供があった調理場の内、年間計画表を回収できた調理場は、22調理場(36.1%)であった。約4割が作成していると推察できたが、その内容は一定ではなく調理場間に内容面で差がみられた。また、家庭配布用献立表を回収できたのは61調理場(回収率66.3%)であった。郷土料理の提供数や種類数は,調理場形態(共同調理場・単独調理場)では提供数、種類数共に有意差はなかった。また供食数(29~6677食)でも有意差がなかったことから,県内のどの調理場においても,給食管理の点から郷土料理を活用した食育を推進していくことが可能であるということが示唆された。1. To clear the relation between the School Lunch Service Annual Planing and the serve count and menu variety count of Okinawa Prefecture's School Service, we have collected the School Lunch Service Annual Plan and the Student's Lunch Menu. The collection was objected towards the entire Okinawa Prefecture's 92 cooking facilities, where the School Lunch Service Annual. plan collaction was 22 faciliteis (36.1%) out of all submitted facilities. A surmise of 40% of the facilities create a School L Lunch Service Annual Plan, which content were not standard and a difference between facilities exist. The Student's Lunch Menu collection was of 61 facilities (collection rate of 66.3%). The serve count nor menu variety count of Native Food had significant difference between facility form (joint cooking facilities and individual cooking facilities). No significant difference was seen in the prepared meal count (29~6677 meals) either, which indicates that all cooking facilities within Okinawa Prefecture has a possibility to provide dietary education through Native Food from terms of the School Lunch management.
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