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The purpose of this study is to find out more about the living conditions of married people with mental disorders who continue their marriages and their experiences as well as to examine what community mental health support should be available for them. We interviewed 57 men and women (31.6%vx68.4%) to discover more about their married lives. The survey was also conducted by having them give their answers on a questionnaire. These were then analyzed using qualitative and inductive methods. As far as motivation for getting married goes there are five categories. Two of them are avoidance of loneliness and being together. Under when their sickness gets worse, one of the categories is violence or quarrelling. However, the reality is that 79 percent (almost 80 percent) of them have been able to continue a normal social life because of support from their spouses and Health, Medical and Welfare services: 50.9% of them have neverexperienced being in the hospital, but 28.1% have been hospitalized a few times, but only for ashort stey. In the case where people get married in spite of their mental disorders, high categories were found. There were also many positive points regarding the relationship between husband and wife. They look to their spouses as a major driving force in their lives to cambat their disease. What we can do for the people with mental disorders as far as community mental health support goes is to listen to their opinions seriously, to enhance home care services, and to form a local community with them where everyone can live with peace of mind whether they are handicapped or aged. We think this will lead to broader social support.本研究の目的は、精神障害を持ちつつ結婚生活を継続している者の婚姻状況の実態や当事者の体験を明らかにすること、及びその地域支援のあり方を検討することである。アンケートによる聞き取りおよび自記式調査により57名の男女(31.6%vs68.4%)の婚姻状況の実態を把握した。自記式調査の自由記載については質的帰納的に分析した。結婚の動機は「孤独の回避」「共に生きる存在」など5カテゴリーが抽出された。病状悪化時は「暴力やけんか」があっても配偶者、医療保険福祉サービスに支えられ、結婚後79%(約8割)の人が殆ど入院せずに社会生活を継続している実態が明らかになった。(結婚後入院全くなしは50.9%殆ど入院無しは28.1%)障害を抱えながらの結婚については「対人関係」「結婚観」「障害とともに生きる」の上位カテゴリーが抽出された。夫婦関係には肯定的な内容が多く、伴侶を自らの闘病を支える大切な担い手として位置づけていた。地域支援としては当事者たちの声を真摯に受け止め、生活支援事業を充実させていくこと、障害を持っても年老いても安心して生活を送ることが出来る地域社会を当事者と共に作っていくことが社会的支援につながると考える。
- 新潟青陵大学の論文
- 2005-00-00
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