ケインズ『一般理論』の批判的考察 : ハンス=ハーマン・ホップの業績
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The most famous economist of the twentiethcentury is John Maynard Keynes ; and the mostinfluential economic book of the present era,both on theory and on economic policy, is hisGeneral Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, published in 1936. On the other hand, Hans-Hermann Hoppehas given clearcut and complete presentation ofthe Misesian criticism against Keynes. Especially,his article contributed to reconstructsome basic truths regading the process of economicdevelopment, and the role played in it by employment, money, and interest. This my paper is a summarization and interpretationof Hoppe’s article : Theory ofEmployment, Money, Interest, and The CapitalistProcess. The Misesian case against Keynes.I agree to Hoppe’s severe judgment of Keynes’s book above-mentioned : a tissue oflogical-praxeological falsehoods reached bymeans of obscure jargon, shifting definitions,and logical inconsistencies, intent to create ananti-capitalist, anti-private property, and antibourgeois mentality. Also, I agree to his conclusive observation:Out of false theory of employment, money,and interest, Keynes has distilled a fantasisticallywrong theory of capitalism, and of asocialist paradise erected out of paper money.It shall be easy to recognize Keynes’s General Theory as fundamentally flawed and the Keynesianrevolution as one of the twentieth century’s foremost intellectual scandals.
- ケインズ『一般理論』の批判的考察 : ハンス=ハーマン・ホップの業績
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