- 論文の詳細を見る
The basal plasma human growth hormone (HGH) levels and the plasma HGH response to insulin in 126 patients with various endocrine and metabolic disorders have been compared with the results found in 40 control subjects. In patients with acromegaly and anorexia nervosa, basal plasma HGH concentrations are high and fluctuated widely when measured frequently in their clinical courses. In all patients with panhypopituitarism, pituitary dwarfism, Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism, an absent HGH response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia was obtained. The HGH response to insulin proved of value in differentiating patients with hypothalamic or pituitary hypofunction and those with anorexia nervosa.
- 岡山医学会の論文
- 1975-04-30
- ラット下垂体前葉組織潅流法によるACTH分泌動態
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- Prolactin radioimmunoassay-Kit(CIS)を用いた血漿Prolactin測定法の検討
- 成長ホルモン分泌刺激試験(臨床ゼミナ-ル)
- 各種内分泌疾患における人成長ホルモンの分泌動態
- 正常人に於ける各種下垂体ホルモン分泌に及ぼす2-Br-α-Ergocryptineの影響
- Acromegaly患者に於ける各種薬物負荷による血漿成長ホルモンの反応性についての検討
- プロラクチン (第3回日本臨床病理学会中国・四国支部例会) -- (新しいホルモン検査法と臨床的意義)