Estimation of statistical parameters on random fatigue crack propagation from non-statistical experiment
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The present paper proposes a pertinent as well as practical estimation method of wide applicability for the parameters involved in the Tsurui-Ishikawa's stochastic crack growth model which can deal with major uncertainty and random factors associated with fatigue crack growth process. The parameters are classified into two categories under deterministic loading conditions; physical parameters appearing in the Paris-Erdogan's growth law itself and statistical parameters to account for the randomness due to material inhomogeneity. If the former can be estimated by applying the least square error method to such available data from a non-statistical experiment as those on da/dN-△K relationship and S-N curve in the ordinary fatigue test under constant stress amplitude, then, the latter can be successfully evaluated, based upon only one realization from the crack growth process, without solving time-consuming nonlinear likelihood equations, although a statistical experiment would be deemed indispensable to estimate statistical parameters. This method of parameter estimation is then extended, by introducing a peacewise smooth crack growth law, to more complicated crack growth behavior as occasionally observed in intricate structural components. A related pertinent parameter estimation method in this case is established and the corresponding residual life distribution is also derived with the aid of renewal process theory.
- 香川大学経済研究所の論文
- 信頼性工学の基礎1.信頼性工学的データ処理法 : 設計許容値を導く手順について
- 信頼性工学の基礎-1-信頼性工学的デ-タ処理法--設計許容値を導く手順について
- Estimation of statistical parameters on random fatigue crack propagation from non-statistical experiment
- Some aspects of statistical inference of Weibull parameters with wide applicability in reliability-based design
- ICOSSAR'89に出席して
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