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岡山県における米の食味に関する基礎的知見を得ることを目的として,岡山県の主要水稲品種,コシヒカリ・ヒノヒカリ・朝日・アケボノと日本晴を供試し,岡山・八浜・倉敷の各水田において,異なる施肥段階を設定して栽培を行い,米飯の食味と理化学的特性を調査した.その結果,5品種間ではヒノヒカリが食味官能評価の全項目において最も優れた.朝日は総合評価・粘りでコシヒカリと同等の値を示し,味はコシヒカリよりも優れ,硬さはアケボノよりも硬いことが認められた.3試験地間では長期間無施肥栽培を行っている倉敷水田の食味が優れ,これには土壌窒素含有率が低く,玄米に蓄積されるタンパク質量が少ないことが関係すると考えられた.施肥レベル間では,施肥量の増加に伴い,いずれの品種においても食味値が低下する傾向が認められた.全品種込みで食味の総合評価と精米のタンパク質含有率との間には密接な正の相関関係が認められたが,アミロース含有率との間には直接的な関係は認められなかった.またアミログラム特性の最高粘度とブレークダウンにおいても直線関係は認められなかった.テクスチャー特性においては,H/-HとH/A3と総合評価との間に密接な負の相関関係が認められた.このことから,岡山県において,良食味米生産を行うためには,精米の窒素含有率に着目して,収益性を考慮しつつ,食味低下の小さい栽培指針を,それぞれの地域の土壌条件に対応して示すことが必要であると考えられた.The palatability and physicochemical properties of cooked rice, in the cultivars Koshihikari, Hinohikari, Asahi and Akebono, which are commonly cultivated in Okayama prefecture were compared with standard cultivar Nipponbare, in the paddy fields of Okayama, Hachihama and Kurashiki Farm of Okayama University. The rate of fertilizer application on those properties in Okayama Farm was also examined. Hinohikari beat the other four cultivars in all tests of palatability. Asahi tested better than Koshihikari, and was harder than Akebono, but in overall eating quality and stikiness it was almost indistinguishable from Koshihikari. The palatability values of cooked rice produced at Kurashiki farm, in which fertilizers were not applied for 25 years, were the highest out of the three locations. It was considered that the protein content of milled rice was lowest in Kurashiki due to the lower nitrogen content of the soil there. In all cultivars the higher the application rate of fertilizer, the lower the values of palatability due to the increase in nitrogen content of the milled rice, but not with amylose content or amylographic characteristics, i.e., maximum viscosity and breakdown values. The textural characteristics, i.e., the ratio of hardness/stichiness and hardness/adhesiveness were negatively correlated with overall eating quality. The results suggested that it is important to create manuals for the production of rice with good eating quality at each location in consideration of the nitrogen content of milled rice and the yield of brown rice.
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