シネ MRI の画像解析による心機能の定量評価に関する研究
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Non-invasive techniques for measuring the dynamic behavior of the cardiac ventricle can be invaluable tool for diagnosing heart disease. In this paper, we present methods for quantia-tive analysis of cardiac function using magnetic rasonance images. A 256×256 magnetic resonance transaxial image of the cardiac ventricle was obtained from a healthy subject. After gray level thresholding and region segmentation, the bounday of the ventricular chamber was extracted. Then, the boundaries of the ventricular chamber were displayed therr-dimensionally using the Z-buffer algoritm. Thus, ventricular volume and ejection fraction were calcullated. In our example, left ventricular ejection fraction was 61%. These results agree with the corresponding data obtained by the echo-cardiography.
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- シネ MRI の画像解析による心機能の定量評価に関する研究