気管支喘息患者好塩基球の免疫グロブリンレセプターとIgG抗体の作用機作に関する研究 第1編 重症難治性喘息におけるIgG抗体の役割に関する検討
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To clarify the action of IgG antibody on basophils in intractable asthmatics, morphological changes, density and redistribution of IgG antibodies on basophils were observed by immunoscanning electron microscopy. Pear-shaped basophils appeared more frequently in severe asthmatics than in nonsevere asthmatics when anti-IgG was added. The density of IgG antibodies bound to basophils was significantly higher in severe, but steroid-independent, asthmatics than in non-severe asthmatics and in steroid-dependent asthmatics (p<0.001). Cap and patch formations of IgG receptors on the cell were more frequent in severe asthmatics than in non-severe asthmatics. These findings suggest that the reactivity of basophils mediated by IgG antibodies is enhanced according to the severity of asthma, indicating that IgG antibodies act as anaphylactic antibodies in severe asthmatics, although IgG antibodies bound to the cell decrease during long-term steroid therapy.
- 岡山医学会の論文
- 1986-06-30
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- 338.Candida 抗原に対する気管支喘息患者末梢血ヒスタミン遊離について : 特異的IgE抗体, 特異的IgG抗体, 沈降抗体による検討( ケミカルメディエーター(II)ヒスタミン その他)
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- 気管支喘息患者好塩基球の免疫グロブリンレセプターとIgG抗体の作用機作に関する研究 第1編 重症難治性喘息におけるIgG抗体の役割に関する検討