- 論文の詳細を見る
During the last ten years, 193 renal parenchymal operations were performed for renal calculi at Osaka and Ehime University Hospitals. To evaluate the short-term postoperative course, 57 cases were reviewed for operative procedure, renal function, urinary tract infection and residual stones. To evaluate the long-term prognosis of nephrolithotomy, 108 patients for whom over five years had elapsed postoperatively, were entered in this study. The follow-up rate of these patients remained 53. 1%. Renal calculi were detected on the operated side including possible residual stones in 44.3%; 13.5% of the stones were larger than 5 mm and accompanied by urinary tract infection. Twenty-two cases were treated by partial nephrectomy. At the follow-up examination of 9 patients done more than five years postoperatively, 6 patients were found to have stones in the operated kidney, 3 of whom had stones larger than 5 mm in diameter.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
- 尿膜管腫瘍の2例 - CT像を中心に -
- 172 小児における巨大水腎症 (腎盂尿管移行部通過障害) に対する一時的腎瘻術の意義(尿路)
- 膀胱腸裂5例の臨床的検討 : 特に治療面から
- 81 Vesico-intestinal fissure5例の臨床的検討
- B131. 尿道末端部狭窄を主症状とする subclinical neurogenic bladder について(泌尿器)
- 腎切石術の予後について
- A14. 脊椎破裂 meningocele meningomyelocele および, その手術後に伴なう排尿障害とその治療方針について
- 170 小児巨大尿管症の手術成績(尿路)
- 168 我々の行なっている尿道下裂に対する尿道形成術の実際(尿路)
- 78. 大阪大学泌尿器科学教室に於ける過去 11 年間の小児疾患について(泌尿器)