- 論文の詳細を見る
Two cases of malignant neoplasm of the vesical diverticulum were reported. Case 1. A 51-year-old housewife visited our hospital because of gross hematuria. The cystoscopic examination disclosed the presence of tumor in the diverticulum of urinary bladder. The pathological specimen showed squamous cell carcinoma grade II and cytologic examination of urine showed class III. She was treated with partial cystectomy and postoperative pathological examination revealed stage B2. Case 2. A 56-year-old widow consulted our hospital with complaint of fever, loin pain, pain on urination and gross hematuria. The cystoscopic examination revealed a presence of tumor in the vesical diverticulum. Cytologic examination of urine revealed class V. She had partial cystectomy instead of radical operation because of massive metastases to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes (stage D2). About one year after the operation, she died of acute renal failure induced by metastases to right ureter and left renal parenchyma. The main diagnostic measures in this disease had been cystoscopy and cystography but we demonstrated the usefulness of the urinary cytologic examination and double contrast cystography as valuable diagnostic studies especially for evaluation of the size and shape of tumor.
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