慢性難治性尿路感染症におけるCarbenicillin indanyl Sodium(Geopen U錠)の経口投与による臨床経験--主としてPseudomonas,Proteus属による感染症として
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Pseudomonas and proteus group are considered to play an important role in both opportunistic infection and infection with predisposing factor of the urinary tract. Geopen U, an orally administered carbenicillin indanyl sodium belonging to the synthetic penicillin group, was administered to 34 cases of Pseudomonas infection and 5 cases of proteus group infection of the urinary tract with definite predisposing factors and the following results were obtained. The cases were divided into three groups according to the amount administered per day, that is 2.0 g, 3.0 g and 4.0 g groups. And the better results were obtained as the daily dosage increased. This drug showed effectiveness of 66.7% for upper urinary tract infection and that of 57.9% for lower urinary tract infection, total average being 61.8%. As to the effect on bacteriuria, 35.3% showed elimination, 11.8% suppression, 17.6% alteration and 35.3% no change. As to the effect on pyuria, 14.7% was cleared, 52.9% decreased, and 32.4% showed unchanged. The general efficacy was excellent in 11.8%, good in 52.9% and poor in 35.3% showing the general efficacy rate as high as 64.7%.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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