尿路***癌患者の細胞性免疫能に関する研究 第2報: 尿路***癌患者リンパ球のPHAによる幼若化について
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It has been reported by many investigators that the cell-mediated immunocompetence is depressed in patients with carcinoma. In this report PHA induced blastoid transformation of peripheral lymphocytes was investigated as a parameter of non-specific immunopotence in patients with renal cell carcinoma (R-C), cancer of renal pelvis or ureter (U-C), bladder carcinoma (B-C) and prostatic carcinoma (P-C). Quantitative evaluation of the lymphocyte blastogenesis was made by uptake of 3H-thymidine in blastogenic lymphocytes cultured with PHA and the results were indicated as "stimulation index" (S. I.). S. I values in R-C, U-C, B-C and P-C patients were significantly low as compared with those of healthy adults and non-cancer patients. S. I. values in patients with high stage cancer were less than those in cases oflow stage. S. I. in cancer patients tends to increase after the operation, cryosurgery or gestagen therapy. In patients with R-C, S. I. in cultures with the AB-sera was significantly lower than those in cultures with the autologous sera. It was suggested that the blocking factor may be present in the serum of cancer patients. The results of delayed skin reaction with PPD and DNCB were seemed to be related to S. I. in cancer patients and their clinical stage, but rosette formation of lymphocytes was not related to S. I.value.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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