腎静脈結紮ラットの腎機能に関する実験的研究 第1報 側副血行形成の腎機能におよぼす影響
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The renal vein on the left side was ligated and nephrectomy on the right side was performed 7 days later or simultaneously using the male Wistar rats. After another seven days, the remaining kidney function and the state of collateral circulation were investigated. 1) The experimental animals were divided into several groups. Group 1: Only sham operation. Group 2: Only nephrectomy on the right side. Group 3: Nephrectomy on the right side seven days after ligation of left renal vein. Group 4: Same procedure on Group 3 plus ligation of caudal vena cava. Group 5: Simultaneous nephrectomy on the right side and ligation of the left renal vein. Group 3, 4 and 5 showed transient elevation of BUN after nephrectomy on the right side. This azotemia improved in 3 to 5 days probably due to development of collateral circulation. BUN on the 14th post-op. day in Group 3 and 4 was significantly high if compared with Group 1. 2) On the 14th post op. day, inulin clearance value in Group 3, 4 and 5 was still lower than that of Group 2. 3) Group 3, 4 and 5 showed the larger and heavier kidney than Group 1. 4) Group 5 could survive due to development of collateral circulation. 5) Main collateral circulation contributing to restoration of renal function was through spermatic, ureteral, adrenal and lumbar vein.
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