和歌山県および泉南地方における人工透析療法の現況 : 第2報
- 論文の詳細を見る
As of June, 1974, the number of the Artificial Kidney Centers both in Wakayama Prefecture and in the Sennan District of Osaka Prefecture amounts to 9. During the first six months in 1974, the number of the centers in these districts has increased from 7 to 9, which is an unprecedented growth in the past. The entire number of patients who are now under treatment at the centers mentioned above, is 85 (males 45, females 40); but the number of those who live in Wakayama Prefecture amounts to only 42 per million population. As was expected, the occurrence of this type of kidney problem showed considerable difference according to the locality. Besides, medical centers are more numerous in the cities than in the rural districts. Statistics in each district are found in Tables 1 to 3. Discussions have been made around the subjects of conditions of the patients such as follows: i)The period between the first medical examination of the patients and the beginning of the dialysis treatment. ii) Chief complaint at the time of the first medical examination. iii) Factors aggravating the symptoms. iv) Comparative studies of the patients' activities between the time of the first examination and the beginning of the dialysis treatment. v) Complications after the regular dialysis treatment. vi) The patients and their sexual life.
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