- 論文の詳細を見る
Ten cases of prostatic hypertrophy were treated with intramuscular injection of SH-582 (200 to 300 mg every week for 2 to 3 months) in an attempt to evaluate its clinical effectiveness. The number of treated cases is yet too small to permit a definite conclusion, but clinical findings such as frequency of micturition, strength of flow and residual urine volume were markedly improved in 9 of 10 cases. In one case operation had to be performed due to continuing urinary retention. Even though SH-5S2 proved extremely effective for subjective symptoms, it failed to improve objective symptoms as evidenced by no palpable alteration in the size of adenoma. X-ray examination also proved negative for any improvement. Possible side effects of SH-582 were investigated with special reference to subjective and objective findings (peripheral blood picture, urinary findings, serum biochemical findings, and liver, kidney and thyroid function). All of the cases were completely negative for anything unusual. It may be concluded from the treatment in 10 cases that SH-582 cannot constitute a radical therapy for prostatic hypertrophy, since it failed to improve objective findings, even though it was markedly effective for subjective ones. However, SH•582 seems to be valuable as a conservative therapy in those cases where operation cannot be practiced.
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