- 論文の詳細を見る
Renal agenesis seen in a 27-year-old man was reported. He came with chief complaint of left flank pain and transfered to us because of calcified shadow in the left renal area on KUB. Intravenous pyelography did not visualize pelvis, calyces or ureter on the left side. Retrograde ureterography showed the blind-ending ureter on that side. Aortography demonstrated left renal artery which was incomplete. Left nephrectomy was performed under the working diagnosis of contracted kidney with calcification. The specimen appeared as a cystic mass with partial calcification to which the artery, previously demonstrated by aortography, was observed to enter along with the renal vein. Postoperatively, his pain disappeared. Pathohistological examination proved it to be renal agenesis. Interestingly enough, electromyography recorded retrograde peristaltic discharge from the blind-ending ureter. In this patient, there were no other congenital abnormalities in the genitourinary tract or hypertension.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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- 前立腺部尿道結石の1例 : 第177回東北地方会
- 腎無形成および腎無発生の各1例 : 第168回東北,第209回新潟合同地方会
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- 尿管腫瘍症例 : 第160回東北地方会
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- 昭和47年の岩手医大泌尿器科外来における尿中検出菌と薬剤感受性について : 第38回東部連合地方会
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- 最近10年間における腎腫瘍の臨床統計
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