- 論文の詳細を見る
Five cases of ectopic ureteral opening were reported, There were four cases of type I of Thom's classification and one case of type III, Two patients with type I had noticed urinary incontinence since birth, Urological studies in these cases disclosed the ureter ectopically opened into the vagina with ipsilateral hypoplastic kidney, In the other two patients with type I, the ureter ectopically opened into the .bladder neck and hydronephrosis was accompanied, In one patient with type III a cystic mass was noticed in the external genitalia, This cystic mass prolapsed to the vagina was found to be the distal end of the ureter which was one of the completely duplicated ureters, draining the upper multilocular kidney and opening into the urethra, In discussion, we reviewed some problems in diagnosis and management of ectopic ureters.
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