[原著]C型慢性肝炎におけるリコンビナント,インターフェロン$ \alpha $-2bの用量別の治療効果
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Five different dosage regimens of recombinant interferon ($ \gamma $IFN) alfa-2 b were compared in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Ninety-four patients were assigned to one of five groups: group 1, 2 and 3 were given 3, 6 and 10 million units (MU) , respectively, of $ \gamma $IFN alfa-2b daily for 2 weeks, followed by thrice weekly for 22 weeks (total dose: 240, 480 and 800 MU) , respectively. Group 4 and 5 were given 10 MU of $ \gamma $IFN alfa-2b daily for 2 weeks, followed by 10 MU thrice weekly for 12 weeks (group 4) or 6 MU thrice weekly for 22 weeks (group 5), with a total dose of480 and 536 MU, respectively. Sustained response to $ \gamma $IFN was seen in 7.7% (1/13) of patients in group 1. The rate was significantly lower than that of either group 2 or 3 (p<0. 05 in each comparison). There was no difference in the sustained response rate between group 2 and 3 (38.0%vs 44.0%). Comparison of the efficacy of group 4 or 5 with those of the other groups was not appropriate because of the small number of patients assigned in group 4 or 5. When the sustained response rate of patients infected with genotype 1b, which was known to be resistent to IFN treatment, is compared between group 2 and 3, higher response rate was seen in group 3 (26.3% in group 2 vs 42.1% in group 3), although not significantly.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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- [原著]C型慢性肝炎におけるリコンビナント,インターフェロン$ \alpha $-2bの用量別の治療効果