[原著]脊髄空洞症に対する外科的治療 : 空洞クモ膜下腔吻合術
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Syringomyelia had been thought to be non-treatable degenerative disease untill Gardner's proposal of hydrodynamic theory indicating that syringomyelia was surgically treatable. Its diagnosis was very difficult before CT era. CT scan, especially high resolusion scan can reveal syrinx with or without using contrast material. In this paper a 22 year old female treated successfully with syringosubarachnoid shunt was reported. Preoperative status was quadriparesis, sensory dissociation below the level of C 3 and urinary and bowel incontinences. Final preoperative diagnosis was made by air myelography and computer-assisted myelography. The patient being not associated with Chiari malformation, syrmgosubarachnoid shunt was chosen instead of Gardner's procedure. Postoperative course was not eventful and preoperative neurological deficits were gradually and almost completely improved. She was discharged on her own foot. In our experience, it may be suggested that syringosubarachnoid shunting procedure should be considered for the treatment of idiopathic syringomyelia in case not associated with Chiari malformation.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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- [原著]脊髄空洞症に対する外科的治療 : 空洞クモ膜下腔吻合術