Post-seismic crustal deformation associated with the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake derived from GPS observation ―preliminary analysis of Trimble data―
NAKAO Shigeru
Nansei-Toko Observatory for Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
Nakao S
Department Of Marine Biological Science Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Nakao Shigeru
Department Of Marine Biological Science Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
- GPS observation of the first month of postseismic crustal deformation associated with the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M_ 8.0), off southeastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Post-seismic crustal deformation associated with the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake derived from GPS observation ―preliminary analysis of Trimble data―
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