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1) 1981年8月より1982年4月までに都立台東病院で臨床分離された淋菌53株に対するcefoperazoneおよびpenicillin G, ampicillin, tetracycline, kanamycin, spectinomycinの抗菌力について検討した.2) Penicillin Gおよびampicillinでは,MIC 0.8 μg/ml以上の耐性淋菌は約60%であり,MIC 25-100 μg/ml以上を示すβ-lactamase産生淋菌も5株(9%)認められた.Tetracyclineでは耐性株は約50%で,kanamycinおよびspectinomycinでは耐性株はほとんどみられなかった.3) CefoperazoneのMICは,≦0.0125-0.8 μg/mlの低い値に分布し,MICのピークは0.2 μg/mlにあった.Cefoperazoneは,他の5薬剤との間に感受性相関は認められず,penicillin耐性淋菌にもtetracycline耐性淋菌にも,強い抗菌力を示していたThe in vitro action of cefoperazone, penicillin G, ampicillin, tetracycline, kanamycin and spectinomycin was tested against 53 gonococcal strains of clinical isolates obtained from patients at our Hospital between August, 1981 and April, 1982. In this study, about 60% of the strains tested were resistant to penicillin G and ampicillin with MIGs of greater than 0.8 µg/ml for these drugs. There were 5 (9 %) β-Iactamase producing gonococcal strains with MIGs of 25-<100 µg/ml for penicillin G and ampicillin. Although about 50% of the strains tested were resistant to tetracycline, there were few strains resistant to kanamycin and spectinomycin. The MIG range for cefoperazone was low-MIG: ≦0.0125-0.8 µg/ml, and the peak MIG was 0.2 µg/ml. Gefoperazone did not show cross resistance with the other 5 drugs tested. Gefoperazone showed high antibacterial activity against both penicillin resistant and tetracycline resistant gonococcal strains.
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