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1961年10月から20年間に膀胱部分切除術を施行した膀胱腫瘍症例のうち,手術後6ヵ月以上経過を観察しえた42例について検討をおこなった.(1)移行上皮癌が39例あり,その組織学的異型度分類はG1が5例,G2が16例,G3が18例であった.組織学的深達度は,low stage 31例,high stage 10例であった.(2)術後5年以内の再発率は全体では46.7%であり5年以降の再発例は無かった.深達度別の再発率はlow stage 45.8%,high stage 55.6%であった.(3)術後5年生存率は全体では69.2%,low stageでは80.5%,high stageでは46.6%であったA statistical study was made on 42 patients having primary bladder cancer, and who were treated by partial cystectomy during the 20 years from 1961 to 1981. The age of the patients ranged from 27 to 79 years. According to General Rules for Clinical and Pathological Studies on Bladder Cancer (J.U.A., J.P.S.) histopathologically 39 cases were TCC, 2 cases were AC, and 1 case was SCC. The TCC grading was Gl in 5 cases, G2 in 16 cases, and G 3 in 18 cases. The staging was Tis in 1 case, pTa in 5 cases, pTla in 5 cases, pTlb in 13 cases, pT2 in 7 cases, pT3a in 7 cases, pT3b in 3 cases, and pT4 for none. The recurrence rate in 5 years was 46.7% for all patients, 44.5 and 42.7% for low grade and high grade cases, and 45.8 and 55.8% for low stage and high stage cases, respectively. The 5-year survival rate was 69.2% for all patients, 88.5 and 51. 6% for low grade and high grade cases, and 80.5 and 46.5% for low stage and high stage cases, respectively.
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