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高度腎機能障害患者のCTXおよびDA-CTXの血中濃度を測定し,CTXの高度腎機能障害患者への投与法について検討した.透析導入前の腎不全患者には1回1 gr.1日2回,透析患者では透析終了時と24時間後に1 gr.ずつ投与する方法が良いA pharmacokinetic study of the semisynthetic antibiotic cefotaxime was performed on patients with severe renal failure who had not undergone hemodialysis (group 1) and those who were placed under hemodialysis (group 2). The half-life of cefotaxime was 0. 732 hour in the control group, 1.893 hours in group 1, 4.605 hours in group 2 during non-hemodialysis, and 1.547 hours in group 2 during hemodialysis. These findings suggest that cefotaxime should be administered to group 1 at a dose of 1 g twice a day, and to group 2 at a dose of 1 g immediately after the termination of hemodialysis, and another 1 g 24 hours later. Desacetyl cefotaxime (DA-CTX) was high in groups 1 and 2 even 24 hours after the administration of cefotaxime. This indicates that the safety of DA-CTX for patients with renal failure should be investigated further.
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