ビオスミンの臨床効果 --泌尿器科入院患者に投与して--
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Biosrnin contains lactobacillus bifidus G 9-1 and streptococcus faecal is (129, BIO 3B) which are known as effective bacteria on intestinal disorders. About two thirds of seventy patients hospitalized in our urological department complained some intestinal disorders. To correct these symptoms, Biosmin was applied with the results as follows: 1. Administration of Biosmin corrected intestinal disorders, especially frequency and nature of feces. 2. Effects of Biosmin, when administered eight grams per day, appeared approximately on the third day, and it seemed that Biosmin should be dosed as much as possible. 3. By administration of Biosmin with antibiotics, such a complication of antibiotics as diarrhea could be avoided. 4. No side-effects accompanied with administration of Biosmin were noted in any patients.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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