Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PNL) のための逆行性腎痩造設術
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1985年6月から1年6ヵ月間に,25例の上部尿路結石に対してPNLのための逆行性腎瘻造設術を施行した.1) 25例中20例では術前に予定していた腎杯を経由して腎瘻を作成することができ,引き続いて施行したPNLでも良好な成績を得た.2)不成功例も含めて,腎盂尿管の損傷や腹腔内臓器の穿刺などの重篤な合併症を起こした症例はなかった.3)本術式を併用したPNLを成功させるためには,手術適応を明確にしておくことが最も重要である.すなわち,中腎杯または下腎杯経由の腎瘻作成を予定された症例のうち,腎杯まで逆行性にcatheterの挿入が可能で,水腎症がないか軽度であるものが本術式の適応となる.4)技術的には,腎杯を穿刺するまでcatheterを腎杯内にしっかりと固定させること,puncture wireの進行方向は腎杯穿刺部から皮膚までの距離をできるだけ短くなるように調節すること,術中を通して,膀胱鏡外套の先端を尿管口にできるだけ接近させておくことなどが重要である.5)逆行性腎瘻造設術は,従来の経皮的腎瘻造設術に比し,操作はやや煩雑ではあるが確実性と安全性にすぐれた有用な術式であるBetween June, 1985 and November, 1986, 25 patients at our institute underwent retrograde nephrostomy placement to provide percutaneous access to the kidney for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) of renal or upper ureteral calculi. Overall, retrograde nephrostomy was successfully completed through the desired calyx in 80% of the patients and calculi were successfully removed by the subsequent PNL. There were 5 failures primarily due to wrong indication and inexperience with the technique. The procedures had been done without significant complications in this series including unsuccessful cases. On the basis of our experiences, it is practically important for successful retrograde nephrostomy to fix the tip of the catheter firmly in the desired calyx until the puncture wire is advanced into the renal parenchyma. It is also important to aim the puncture wire at the skin in a favorable direction to avoid adjacent visceral penetration. Retrograde nephrostomy is a useful aid for percutaneous calculus removal particularly in patients with nondilated intrarenal collecting systems, because this new technique allows precise tract placement to the kidney required for efficient calculus manipulation with less risk than that associated with conventional percutaneous nephrostomy.
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