- 論文の詳細を見る
1)外来新患総数は50,443人であり,新患数は着実に増加し最近では年間4,000人に近付いた.外来総手術件数は1,412件であり,包皮背面切開術,環状包皮切除術が最も多く,以下,精管結紮術,内シャント術の順であった.2)入院患者総数は,男2,561名,女861名であり,専門病棟開設後顕著に増加した.高齢者の増加が特に男性でより著明であった.腫瘍患者の絶対数,割合が著しく増加し,なかでも前立腺肥大症,膀胱腫瘍,前立腺癌の3者が多かった.3)入院総手術件数は2,908件であり,TUR-P, TUR-Btの増加が著しかった.尿路結石に対しPNL, TUULが1985年より導入され,これらの内視鏡的泌尿器科手術の割合が増加したA clinical statistic survey was carried out on the patients, diseases and operations experienced at our department between 1968 and 1986. In 1968, the urological department became independent from the dermato-urological department, and in 1981 the urological ward was established. The 19 years are divided in three periods; first period: 1968-1974 (7 years), second period: 1975-1981 (7 years), and third period: 1982-1986 (5 years). The total number of new outpatients during the 19 years was 50,443. They have gradually but steadily increased and have reached recently about 4,000 per year. The total number of inpatients was 3,422 (male: 2,561, female: 861). The proportion of the elderly patients, especially male, has remarkably increased and that of patients more than 60 years old was 44.9% of all inpatients in the third period. Among the major diseases of the inpatients, tumors has got most remarkable increase of its number and proportion. And among tumors, increases of benign prostatic hyperplasia, bladder cancer, prostatic cancer were prominent and at the third period the proportion of those three has reached 81.3% of all tumors. Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNL) and transurethral ureterolithotripsy (TUUL) were introduced in 1985. Recently endoscopical operations such as transurethral resection (TUR), PNL, TUUL and so forth have become a large part of the urological operations.
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