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除脳犬8頭を対象として,膀胱内圧曲線,括約筋筋電図同時記録法を用いてブナゾシンの下部尿路機能に及ぼす効果について検討した.膀胱内注入に対して8頭中7頭でブナゾシン0.03 mg/kg投与後には溢流性尿失禁となり,6頭を対象として行った橋電気刺激に対してもその収縮反応圧が有意に低下したThe effect of bunazosin on the lower urinary tract function was studied by combined recording of cystometry and sphincter electromyogram (EMG) in 8 decerebrated dogs. Micturitions were induced by bladder filling and microelectrical stimulation of the pons before and after the administration of bunazosin. Bunazosin (0.03 mg/kg, i.v.) produced overflow incontinence in 7 of the 8 dogs and a significant decrease in the contractile response pressure to microelectrical stimulation of the pons in 6 dogs. Bunazosin appears to produce a decrease in urethral resistance and to be useful for the treatment of the failure of bladder emptying due to high urethral resistance.
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