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A case of two ectopic ureteral openings into the bladder neck and the vagina is reported. A 6-year-old-girl was admitted with gross hematuria and incontinence. The left kidney could not be visualized by excretory pyelography. Voiding cystogram revealed left vesicoureteral reflux. Left ureteral orifice could not be confirmed by cystoscopic examination. In January 1982, left nephroureterectomy was carried out. Contrast material injected into the left ureter during the operation was found to be drained into the bladder and the vagina. Thus, left ureter was resected close to the end of the ureter to avoid injury of the urethra and its sphincter. After the operation, incontinence disappeared. This case is the second case of two ectopic openings of unduplicated ureter.
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