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再燃例65例について,その再燃様式は,局所に比し全身再燃が多く,また低分化型の占める割合が大きかった.その内22例を切半して1群にはifosfamide点滴静注,2群にはそれとVincristine, peplomycinの併用療法をそれぞれ,一定の方式で施行し,近接効果は,1群の方が若干優り,除痛も1群は63%,2群では50%であった.遠隔効果は,両群で差はなかった.無効例には病理組織学的に低分化型が多かった.なお,化学療法とそれ以外の治療をうけたものの生存率は,6ヵ月の時点では前者のそれが有意に高かった.副作用は,白血球減少,消化器症状,脱毛が主であったが,2群では,肺線維症も出現したFrom January, 1960 to March, 1984, we studied 65 cases of prostatic cancer resistant to endocrine therapy. Treatment with ifosfamide or combination chemotherapy with vincristine, ifosfamide and peplomycin was performed in some of the 65 cases above mentioned. More cases were systemic reactivation than local reactivation. Poorly differentiated cancer accounted for the majority of the reactivated cancer. Concerning adjacent effects, treatment with ifosfamide was superior to combination chemotherapy. There was no difference between the distant effects of both chemotherapies. The patients with no effects showed predominance of pathologically low differentiated cell type. The 6-month survival rate of patients with chemotherapy was significantly higher than that of patients with other therapies. Toxicities of chemotherapies were leucopenia, digestive disturbances and falling out of hair. Hematuria and pulmonary fibrosis occurred in some cases.
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