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本術式の自験89例を中心に検討した.術後の膿尿や血尿の持続時間と術前の尿路感染の有無との間には関連性を認めなかったが,術後の膿尿の持続時間と摘出腺腫重量との間には相関関係が認められた.しかし,血尿持続期間との間には関連性を認めなかった.恥骨後式前立腺摘出術に比較し,本術式での術後の膿尿期間は遷延する傾向を示した.なお,手術時間と術中出血量との間に相関関係が認められたSuprapublic prostatectomies performed on 89 patients from January 1977 to December 1981 were retrospectively evaluated as regard to operative risk, preoperative and postoperative complications. The patients were from 56 to 87 years old with a peak distribution in the seventies. Common preoperative complications were urinary tract infection, coronary sclerosis followed by hypertension. The operation time for resection and weight of resected adenoma averaged 46.5 minutes and 35.1 g, respectively. Average blood loss during operation was 179 ml. The most frequent postoperative complication was acute epididymitis. There were no operative deaths. Prostatic incidental carcinoma was found in 3 cases of resected adenomas by histological examination. There were statistically significant correlations between adenoma weight and duration of postoperative urinary tract infection (r = 0.38, p less than 0.01) and between operation time and blood loss (r = 0.42, p less than 0.01). In contrast, preoperative urinary tract infection had no influenced on duration of postoperative urinary tract infection or postoperative gross hematuria.
- 恥骨上式前立腺摘出術に関する1考察
- 恥骨上式前立腺摘出術89例の手術成績 : 第47回東部連合総会
- 腎血管筋脂肪腫の1例 - 本邦報告147例の統計的考察 -
- 腎血管筋脂肪腫の一例 : 第410回東京地方会
- 小田原市立病院における膀胱移行上皮癌の治療成績
- 小田原市立病院における膀胱腫瘍の治療成績 : 第45回東部連国総会
- 小田原市立病院泌尿器科における10年間の入院患者および手術の統計的観察(1970年1月より1979年12月)