- 論文の詳細を見る
1) T2~3の局所浸潤癌に対しては,prospective randomized studyにおいてCAP療法とradiationによるneoadjuvant療法群が近接効果および長期予後に対する効果ともに良い結果がえられた.2)術後の補助化学療法については,新たなrandomized studyによる検討が必要である.3) T4の局所浸潤癌に対しては,M-VACを用いてneoadjuvant療法にて検討しているが,症例数も少なく未だ満足できる成績はえられていない.4)補助化学療法における問題点として,The current status of adjuvant chemotherapy for clinically localized but invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder is reported. Since 1986, a prospective randomized study has been conducted to examine the effects of neoadjuvant cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + cisplatin (CAP) and radiation therapy for T2-3N0-3M0. A total of 47 patients were entered. However, 4 patients were excluded from the study. All eligible patients were randomized into two groups: neoadjuvant CAP plus radiation and control group. In the neoadjuvant treated-group, a 55% complete response plus partial response rate and a 88% downstaging were noted. Both the 12- and 36-month disease-free survival rates of neoadjuvant treated-group were 94.7%, and were higher than those of the control group (p less than 0.1). As for T4N0-3M0 cases, a total of 6 patients were treated with neoadjuvant methotrexate + vinblastine + doxorubicin + cisplatin (M-VAC) therapy. Favorable results were not obtained in this study at this point, because full dose M-VAC and planned recycling were not performed sufficiently. These findings suggests that neoadjuvant CAP plus radiation therapy would be useful for T2-3 invasive cancer of the bladder. Methods to administer full dose M-VAC; such as developments of new chemotherapeutic agents and of new anti-toxic agents, should be developed. In addition, a more successful regimen than M-VAC should be considered for T4 localized invasive bladder cancer.
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