尿中tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA)に関する臨床的研究測定上の問題点の検討とその改良
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1)尿中TPAは血清TPAと異なり,血清TPAと同じ従来の測定法では,正しい値を示さないと思われた.2)尿中TPA測定が一定しない理由を検討した結果,血清との界面活性作用の差に起因するものであることが推察された.3)尿に界面活性剤であるTween 40処理を加えることにより,安定した測定結果が得られた.4) Tween 40を加えることにより,蓄尿中に生じるTPA測定値の低下を防止することができ,臨床応用における信頼性を確立することができたThe reliability of measurement of urinary TPA using a Prolifigen TPA kit (Sangtec, Sweden) was investigated, and an improved method for stabilizing TPA was tested. Samples were filtrated with a cellulose nitrate membrane filter to remove impurities as a possible cause of a high false positive rate which has been a problem in urinary TPA measurement. Serum TPA and Tween 40-treated urinary TPA was not adsorbed by the filter, whereas TPA in the non-treated urine showed a marked affinity to the filter. This shows the instability of TPA in the original urine, and the impropriety of filtration as a measure of purification of urine samples. The dilution test of urine and the standard TPA, and the recovery test of the standard TPA added to 6 different urine samples showed reasonable results only when the samples were treated with Tween 40; otherwise the values were lower than expected. Thirty-four spot urine samples were tested to examine the change in TPA value during the storage for 24 hours. TPA values decreased when urine was stored at room temperature, but this change was prevented by treatment of urine with Tween 40.
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