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症例は28歳女.治療はESWLでの砕石効果不良のため,TUL,PNLを行い,完全な結石の砕石及び排石が行えた.結石の増大や再発防止のために厳重な食事制限と服薬指導が重要である.腎生検所見により,画像で確認可能な結石以外にも尿細管レベルでの結石の形成が始まっていることが示されたWe report a case of urolithiasis caused by surgical treatment for Crohn's disease. A 28-year-old woman was referred to our department for further examination of renal stones from the medical department in September, 1995. She suffered from Crohn's disease and had a history of jejuno-ileal resection because of perforation of the ileum in 1988. Radiographs revealed multiple bilateral renal stones, and the urine oxalate concentration was elevated. She was treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and the administration of sodium bicarbonate and citrate, but these treatments did not prevent recurrence and enlargement of stones. Renal function was gradually worsened and we performed transurethral lithotomy and percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. The stones were mainly composed of oxalate calcium monohydrate. A renal biopsy was performed at the operation, showing deposition of crystals in almost all renal tubules. Diet therapy (low oxalate and low fat) and the administration of sodium bicarbonate and citrate were performed strictly and recurrence was not recognized 10 months after complete removal of the stones.
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