腎疝痛患者におけるIVP, CT所見の検討
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腎疝痛で来院した29人の患者にIVPを,場合によってはIVPに引き続きCT検査を施行した. 1)29例中14例に自然腎盂外溢流を認めた. 2)CTを併用することで自然腎盂外溢流の存在をより明らかにすることができた. 3)IVP上造影剤の排泄が認められた18例中,14例に自然腎盂外溢流が認められたRenal colic mainly due to urolithiasis is one of the most common morbid conditions in urology and commonly seen in the urology emergency clinic. Imaging studies were performed to evaluate the upper urinary tract of 29 patients suffering from renal colic in the 2 years between November, 1994 and October, 1996. After intramuscular injection of the analgesic (pentazocine, 15 mg), all 29 patients were examined by excretory urography (IVP) at the time of the first visit. In some patients abdominal plain computed tomography (CT) scan was performed consecutively even when extravasation of the contrast medium was not seen. Spontaneous peripelvic extravasation was seen in 14 patients (11 males and 3 females) with urolithiasis; 7 of them were diagnosed by IVP, 5 by IVP plus CT scan and 2 with CT scan only. IVP imaging study followed by plain abdominal CT scan is useful even when the contrast medium is not extravasated on IVP in patients suffering from renal colic.
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