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牛車腎気丸の膀胱に対する作用について,骨盤神経の切断末梢端の電気刺激による膀胱収縮及びアセチルコリンに誘発される膀胱収縮法を用いて検討した. 1)牛車腎気丸は骨盤神経の切断末梢端の電気刺激による膀胱収縮を有意に抑制した. 2)牛車腎気丸はアセチルコリンに誘導される膀胱収縮を有意に抑制したThe effects of Gosha-Jinki-Gan on the urinary bladder contraction in anesthetized dogs were studied to elucidate the mode of action. The bladder contraction was induced by electrical stimulation of the left distal end of the pelvic nerve under the bilateral pelvic nerve and hypogastric nerve transections, or by the infusion of acetylcholine (200 micrograms) in to the abdominal aorta. The bladder contraction induced by pelvic nerve stimulation was significantly inhibited by 10 and 100 mg/kg of intravenous Gosha-Jinki-Gan administration. A similar phenomenon was observed by the administration of atropine sulfate (0.1 mg). The acetylcholine-induced contraction was significantly inhibited by administration of 100 mg/kg of Gosha-Jinki-Gan. These findings suggested that Gosha-Jinki-Gan inhibits the urinary bladder contraction induced by the stimulation of cholinergic nerve.
- 牛車腎気丸のイヌ膀胱収縮に対する作用機序の検討
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