- 論文の詳細を見る
A case of metachronous presentation of renal cell carcinoma and testicular seminoma is reported. A 48-year-old man underwent left radical nephrectomy for a renal tumor on September 4, 1991. Pathological examination revealed clear cell carcinoma with no capsular penetration. There was no evidence of distant metastases. During postoperative follow-up, he noticed a painless left testicular induration in July, 1994. Serum human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit as a tumor marker was elevated. Left radical orchiectomy was performed on October 17, 1994. Pathological examination revealed an anaplastic seminoma localized within the testis. Chest X-ray was normal and CT of the abdomen demonstrated no evidence of retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. The patient was diagnosed as clinical stage I left testicular seminoma. He was free of disease 8 months postoperatively. Including our case, 15 cases of clinically detected double cancers of renal cell carcinoma and testicular germ cell tumor have been reported worldwide. This is the first case of a metachronous presentation of these two cancer types preceded by renal cell carcinoma.
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